Thursday, February 18, 2010

We have been in Mali for a little over a week now, but it is hard to process what I am experiencing here. My mind is a little cloudy, partly because the heat makes it hard to think, but also because we are experiencing so many new things. For me, journaling is a good outlet to help me process what I am going through. Here is a part of my journal from the beginning of the week:

Life here is not exactly easy. There are fewer luxuries than we have in the states and having to learn another language is hard. I was thinking about if I could do this for the rest of my life, not necessarily here (in Mali), but wherever God calls me. It would be very hard at times, but doesn't the reward offset what we have to sacrifice and give up? Jesus didn't promise a comfortable life, but an abundant one and abundance comes from bringing the Kingdom to earth. That is why we much consider the cost, forsake all, and leave mother and father. Is Jesus worth it? He gave all for me, and I can give my life and the work of my hands back to Him as a living sacrifice. I think I have counted the cost and it is worth it to me to know Christ and to be apart of His work, and we will know Him better through His sufferings. Nothing else is going to last but that. I want my life to mean something and make an impact for eternity. I am still learning, still growing, still trying to be bold and move out in confidence. Jesus will equip me to what He calls me to. I know He is at work in me, changing my heart, and bringing me from glory to glory. I think what I struggle with is overcoming selfishness and the flesh that wants to do what I want to do and not giving myself to others, considering them better than myself. I want to learn how to be more intentional with time and people. I want to love better, to love like Jesus; to have a deeper understanding of His love and to live out of an overflow of that. This is a process, and a constant struggle. We will not fully reach that kind of love in this life, but we still need to long for it. I also long for more of a boldness of speech, not being ashamed of the gospel, and to have a deeper confidence in Him and who I am in Him.

The day before I left, I was at church and I received some encouragement. A man came up to me and said that the Lord had given him 1 Peter 1: 7-8 for me and my teammate that was with me. That passage says, "that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory." I meditated on this for a few days and believe that my time in Mali will be a testing of my faith and it will be hard, but through it I will know Jesus better and for that I am excited and encouraged. I now see the importance of this time here because before I left I was a little unsure of the purpose of this trip even though I knew that God had called me to this. This will be a time of learning and growing spiritually and academically. I am excited to see how God will work and reveal Himself.

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love reading this Kenz! We love and miss you but are so proud of you!!! Keep the updates coming!
