Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Friendship at the Margins

I started reading this book today, Friendship at the Margins, by Christopher Heuertz and Christine D. Pohl. I'm not even through the introduction and there are so many things that are speaking to me, challenging me, and re-shaping my thinking. I love books that do that, paradigm shifting books. Here are a couple quotes from the book that stood out to me...

"Evangelism, and even the notion of mission itself, has sometimes been reduced to the words we share with another person, telling them about Jesus, salvation or eternal life. Words are important but they can also be cheap. If we use words and get words in response, sometimes we think we've done mission or evangelism. Ministry among poor and vulnerable people reminds us that words are rarely enough- what each of us needs is to know that we are loved by Jesus, beloved of God. Everything else flows from that."

"Mission or ministry with people who are poor or vulnerable often assumes that "our" task is to meet "their" needs. Whether their need is for the good news of Christ or for the bread and a place to sleep, we tend to think that we have the resources and they have the needs. A focus on friendship rearranges our assumptions. What if the resources they have also meet our needs? What if Jesus is already present in ways that will minister to us? What if in sharing life together as friends we all move closer to Jesus' heart?"

I'm sure I will have more thoughts and insights to come as I get deeper into the book, so we'll just leave it here for now. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that Kenz! Can't wait to hear more about it. Love you!
