I may seem a little bit crazy to plan another trip overseas so soon after I get back, but I know that God has called me to go. So, I am leaving in December to go to....
I will be in Bangkok, Thailand for 2 weeks visiting and working alongside different ministries that work with women coming out of prostitution.
About a year and a half ago I was introduced to the issue of Human Trafficking and the atrocities that happen specifically in Cambodia and Thailand. This was my first real exposure to the issue and my heart was wrenched by what I heard. I began searching and asking many questions trying to find out as much as I possibly could. God was touching my heart and prompting me to dig deeper. I started reading everything I could get my hands on and watched several movies that showed how these women and children get trapped in this slavery.
Last October, a friend and I presented on this issue for one of our chapels at Grace. God was using me to pray and spread awareness but at that time I had no idea if I was to be apart of this any further. The months after presenting, my heart was so heavy and Thailand was constantly on my mind. As I prayed about what to do with this burden I felt like God said it was time to go, time to see. Thailand is a major source, transit, and destination country for human trafficking. 800,000 children under the age of 16 work as prostitutes in Thailand, of which 200,000 are under the age of 12. This is a huge problem in this country and all over the world and there is need for people to love on these women and children, to show them that they do have worth and value and that there is a God who loves them and wants to heal and restore them. I am excited to get to be apart of that for this short time, but I know that my heart is not fully prepared for all that I am going to see and experience. Through praying about this trip, I know that God has something big in store and that this will really be a defining time for me and I will gain new direction.
Please check out these links to the ministries that I will be working with!
http://www.nightlightinternational.com/ Night Light
http://www.rahabministriesthailand.com/ Rahab House
http://www.servantworks.com/well The Well